
The Grass is Always Greener on the other side, right? Well I'm here to tell you its not.

That is what this blog is about.

 Its about my grass, your grass, their grass. Basically a blog full of grass.

Sound tempting and interesting? Perhaps for ants and soil dwellers. But in all seriousness The Grass Is Always Greener is about looking at life a little differently. Its not about peeking over the fence and looking at others lives (and their grass) and judging your own from that. But rather looking at your own grass and being grateful that you even have grass to begin with.

There was a time when I constantly sat on that fence. Looking over at others grass. Comparing mine to theirs and God knows what else. And every time I did that their grass was greener than mine. Until one day I decided to hop off that fence and take a good hard look at my own and you know what I found? That my grass wasn't so bad after all. In fact it was perfect.

That is what this blog is about. Its about looking at your own life, your own grass, and realising just how perfect it already is.

May this blog be the fertilizer your grass needs.

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